Bed Bugs Removal In Sydney
Knock-Down Pest Control in Sydney has an extensive and vast experience in treating, exterminating and removing bed bugs for all homes across Sydney. Our bed bugs, bed bug mite’s treatment and removal specialists can rid your residential property of beg bugs using only eco-friendly treatment and pest control procedures. Having a bed bugs issue at home can be a very distressful situation for your family and we recommend speaking to our experts immediately.
Our pest control solutions for this type of bed bug issue are 100% safe on not only humans but also your pets, so there is nothing to worry about. Let Knock-down do their job and we guarantee you a bug-free bed in no time.
Having over 20 years’ worth of experience we have come across hundreds of situations where bed bugs have caused many issues. We have treated these issues and provided our clients with immediate satisfaction.
Call Knock-Down Pest Control Sydney immediately and request a free no obligation quote. We will take care of the bed bugs so you can enjoy worry free sleep. Our extremely friendly and expert staff will ask you a series of questions to understand what we are dealing with and arrange for an onsite inspection.
The Knock-Down Bed Bug Offer
Fast, Safe & Effective Bed
Bug Treatment!
Our comprehensive Bed Bug Eradication Plan includes treatment of Your:
- Room(s)
- Mattress
- Beds
- Cupboard
- Skirtings
- Bed Frames
- Curtains
In fact, we treat anywhere bed bugs hide using a non-toxic and odourless treatment. This Eradication plan ensures that we rid your entire home of this pest so you no longer should stress.
We also provide specific advice on the best way to eradicate bed bugs and its eggs from your clothing and linen!
Some very interesting facts About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small insects that suck the blood of warm blood mammals such as animals and humans. We understand this has just started of extremely scary, we are sorry. At night, they crawl out to feed on people who are sleeping on beds and suck them for their blood. They can also bite and suck those who sit on upholstered furniture where the bugs exist. Bed bugs can survive a year without food so eliminating them can be quite a difficult task if not treated professionally.
How did bed bugs come to be prevalent in household and lodging, hotel, motel and hospital beds? One factor is attributed to exposure to different environments. Constant travellers can carry with them bed bugs without their knowledge on their clothing. Another main factor is due to low standards of hygiene and poor housekeeping habits. Unfortunately, it only takes a few weeks of mess to welcome this annoying pest into your home.
The fortunate thing is that the bites of bed bugs are painless, but they can be irritating to some people who are sensitive to their bites. They can even trigger allergic reactions in some. Though they are not believed to transport diseases and infections, they can cause itchy spots, skin rashes, discomfort and sleeplessness.
People who are bitten by bed bugs may not realize they were bitten at all. Those affected can experience swelling on the side of the bite in areas like the face, neck, arms and hands and the lower half of the body. Evidence or symptoms of bed bug infestation includes:
- Bloody stains on the bed sheets or blanet
- Dark-coloured fecal matter on the bed
- Hatched or un-hatched eggs on the bed or furniture
- Cast skins or outer shells
- Foul odour
For effective Pest Control against these bed bugs, contact the expert exterminators at Knock-Down Pest Control Sydney. Our friendly and expert staff will be able to arrange for their extermination immediately. Call 1300 262 463 today for a no obligation free quote.