New Building Site Pest Control Services Sydney
A new building construction can run for months or years (depending on the size of the project and structure) and can be full of pests and not provide the ideal conditions for the construction. The last thing you want is for pests, insects, and birds to compromise the productivity and health of your workers on the site. At Knock-Down Pest Control, we provide effective solutions for pest control and elimination in new building sites. A thorough inspection and elimination will help ensure the property is safe to use and any building that’s constructed in that site isn’t as vulnerable to pests.
What do you need to know about pests in new building sites?
Construction and renovation are risky jobs so you want to your construction crew to maintain focus on the job at hand. That can be difficult to do if they have to be on the lookout for insects and pests constantly. Here are some things you need to know about pests in new building site:
Different kinds of pests
A construction or new building site can have different kinds of pests because they provide a favourable environment to most of them. For example, there’s a lot of still and stagnant water in construction sites, which can lead to infestation from mosquitoes and flies. Rodents and birds are also quite common in new building sites but one of the most important concerns of building owners is termite protection.
Why are termites a concern?
Termites exist freely in the ground and vegetation on the construction site. If you don’t take time to eliminate these termites and form a material between them and the building material, these pests will infest the material and damage them. The future property will also be more vulnerable to pest infestations and will be considerably weaker. The termites will compromise the integrity of the wood framing and wood panels. That can cause a lot of problems in the long-run and lead to expensive repairs.
How Can Knock-Down Pest Control help?
We have ample experience with pest control in new construction sites and are particularly familiar with termite infestations. We provide comprehensive solutions that will protect your future property and minimise the cost of repairs. Here’s how we can help you:
- Different Solutions – We provide three different ways to control termites and prevent future infestations. Physical termite barriers will provide a physical separation between the soil and the poured control and installed wood. The termites from the soil won’t be able to pass the barrier to access the building material. Chemical barriers are also quite effective and will form a chemical barrier between the soil and the building slab. We can also install a reticulation system that will help you restore the chemical barrier between the soil and building material.
- Honest Advice – Our experienced and skilled pest control professionals will assess your particular requirements carefully and determine the best solutions for you. They’ll discuss the pros and cons of each option available and ensure you make the right decision. They’ll also offer advice on future prevention, maintenance, and your overall budget for the pest control process.
If you want to know more about our pest control services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Knock-Down Pest Control today! You can reach us through our contact us form or call 1300 262 463 and we’ll be happy to assist you.